Thursday, December 13, 2012

About John Little....

I found my passion for music at the age of three while watching an Elvis Presley movie. I've been a professional musician for 37 years. I started playing with friend Chris Newton in a band at the age of 13 and we've continued to cross paths and have been in bands together over the years.  First guitar influence at age 13 was Chuck Berry which developed into Jimmy Page, Keith Richards and of course Elvis.

I have been in 10+ bands over the years spending the last 20 years in different three piece bands playing with many great musicians and friends. Several original songs have played on the radio. Music video in 1991 with Chris Newton, Dan Brush and Pat Meehan. Recently made a documentary with Chris and Cliff at DePauw University based on my students and their progress and show.

I married my lovely wife, Beth three years ago (after 25 years of calling) who supports my love for music and teaching.

Occupation -Doing what I love to do.... Teaching music for the past 12 years and showing people they can do anything they set their mind to.       Goal as a musician - Make that audience dance!

Below is me with some of my students at the end of our annual Student Rock Show!

1 comment:

  1. While I was already playing piano with Johnny (Jack) in the 70's he began to teach me guitar in about 1980. We spent many all nighters with guitars and had a great time doing it. Thanks Johnny for openning up the world of hand held stringed instruments to me. And of coarse thanks to Rod Kersey for supplying them to us! Daniel Brush
